Why pivoting is so important in 2022
Times have changed, and with such a big global shake-up, we’ve decided it’s time to pivot. To bring a fresh look, perspective, and energy into LMH – and so we’ve gone through a rebrand. We’re not alone, many of our clients have decided now is the time to refresh and align with societies evolvement – summer is here and it’s the first ‘normal’ summer we’ve had in years. There is excitement and positivity in the air and so we agree – now is the time to change.
In business, change is often regarded as a risk. It’s to be feared and, whenever possible, avoided.
Change in business is absolutely vital if businesses are to realise growth potential, propel teams onto greater things and keep their audiences engaged.
The world changes every day. Society is constantly changing. If businesses fail to keep up with these constantly-moving targets, they lag behind, become stale and, ultimately, fail. Great business leaders understand this, which is why they continually look for ways to evolve and improve.
So what are the benefits of change?
Change helps you take advantage of technical advances.
If anything changes quickly, it’s technology. Businesses that are willing to change the way they operate are far better placed to take advantage of new technological advances.
Change presents teams with new opportunities.
Teams that aren’t subjected to change, quickly become stale and disengaged. They lag behind on what’s trending and seem old-fashioned. In order to foster an emotional connection between the business and its employees, change is usually required.
Change ensures you’re ready for the new breed of customer.
Customers evolve. The people you were selling your products to last year have already changed; they’re aware of the new strategies they want to be associated with, they take a different buyer’s journey and expect an entirely different customer service experience. Are you ready for them?
If your business is incapable of change, your customers – both existing and potential – will leave you behind.
Change challenges the status quo.
It’s easy to get comfy in business, and if things get too comfy, complacency usually follows.
A question every business leader should ask is “why?”. Why do certain processes exist? Why do you develop your product that way? Why does it take forever to invoice clients? This should lead to looking deeply into the problem and getting a solution, to change the whole system.
Change challenges the status quo and enables businesses to hunt down inefficiencies within the organisation and act accordingly.
Keep asking “why?” and don’t settle for the norm and neither for the less.
Still afraid of change?
A leap of faith in business is often required to make the biggest changes. That ladder is what everyone should desire to make a step day in and day out. Even if there is a shred of doubt, the very fact you’re considering change gives it credence.
Be brave and make changes. There’s nothing worse in business than looking back and thinking “what if?” – every successful entrepreneur has, at some stage, made significant changes. They don’t always work, but when they do, the results can be transformation and rewarding as well.
[Source: Business Partner Magazine]
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